Addis Ababa, Addis Ababa 2,007 ilaalcha Sad 17, 2019
18.7 Miliyoona Br gurgurtaaf
Gartuu | Apartimentii |
Bal'ina | 600 m² |
Baay'ina kutaa ciisichaa | 3 |
Baay'ina kutaalee | 3 |
Baay'ina lafaa | 1 |
Gatii | 18.7 Miliyoona Br |
Sadarkaa | Lavel 2 |
Gosa | Ownership |
Komishinii daldalaa | 2% |
Service Type | Residencial |
The villa is equipped with all facilities and everything is done in one level of living. Three spacious bedrooms with access to the terrace through large glass doors, all leading directly to the pool terrace and a spacious living room with an American kitchen with a cooking island. Downstairs there is an internal garage, double and laundry room which leads to the internal staircase of the house. But you can also drive to the front door. The landing is wide and there is an extra long swimming pool, where you can swim laps well. There is a garden nearby, which is low maintenance. Instead of planting trees, there will be more time to enjoy the wonders in and around this beautiful villa.
Tajaajila Wifi
Bakka konkolaataa dhaabuu
Puullii daakuu
Qe'ee biqiltuu
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Qilleensarra kan oolu
Ho'isaa Kutaa
Kutaa miiccaa uffata
Bineensonni manaa ni hayyamamu
Ispaa fi Masaajii
Hospitaala - 1km
Gabaa Guddaa - 3km
Mana barumsaa - 7km
Bohaaruu - 20km
Faarmaasii - 4km
Buufata xiyyaaraa - 1km
Tajaajila baaburaa - 19km
Buufata Konkolaataa - 13km
Haroo - 1km
Giddugala daldalaa - 15km
Baankii - 8km
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