Yeka, Addis Ababa 1,284 ilaalcha Onk 20, 2023
17 Miliyoona Br gurgurtaaf
Gartuu | Apartimentii , Kondominiyeemii , Mana |
Bal'ina | 162 m² |
Baay'ina kutaa ciisichaa | 3 |
Baay'ina kutaalee | 2 |
Baay'ina lafaa | 3 |
Gatii | 17 Miliyoona Br |
Around kazanchis
Luxury Apartment with Bank loan facilitated (50% fee linked with Bank)
Location- Balderas in front of German school
Product- 3 bedroom
3bedroom Type A- 143m²
3 bedroom TypeB -163m²
water reservoir
Accessories- modern elavator(upto 10 people and heavy duty pulleys)
2 huge basements
2 house per floor
Backup generator
24×7 water supply
24×7 Electricity supply
Suitable for investment
Calm living environment
CCTV cameras security
Payment scale- 1,500,000
1990$ dollar per m² or
110000birr per m²
Payment- 10% down payment
2 year and a half delivery time
Call or inbox
Bakka konkolaataa dhaabuu
Qe'ee biqiltuu
Giddugala fiitness
Kutaa miiccaa uffata
Bineensonni manaa ni hayyamamu
Ispaa fi Masaajii
Hospitaala - 500m
Mana barumsaa - 100m
Bohaaruu - 100m
Buufata xiyyaaraa - 2000m