አዲስ አበባ, አዲስ አበባ 3,809 እይታዎች ኖቬም 17, 2019
163.92 ሚሊዮን Br የሚሸጥ
ምድብ | ቪላ ቤት |
ስፋት | 480 ካሬ |
የመኝታ ክፍሎች ብዛት | 4 |
የመታጠቢያዎች ብዛት | 3 |
የፎቆች ብዛት | 1 |
ዋጋ | 163.92 ሚሊዮን Br |
ደረጃ | Lavel 2 |
ዓይነት | Lease |
የደላላ ኮሚሽን | 1.5% |
የአግልግሎት ዓይነት | Residencial |
This unusual and unique custom built home sits on a premier lot in an exclusive private section of Castle Harbor. The property borders the golf course for 360 linear feet, providing not only a beautiful view but also complete privacy. The home itself sits above the golf course, for added privacy, and is located between the 5th and 6th fairways of the famous Bermuda Dunes Country Club. Laminated glass entry doors lead you to a stunning Italian marble entry that encompasses the entire hallway and living room with fireplace. The spacious suite with high ceilings captures the pool, golf, lake and dynamic southern, mountain views. There is a lovely library with built in shelves on one wall. There is a sunken wet bar with Italian marble flooring that offers views of the golf course and surrounding mountains.
የመኪና ማቆሚያ
መዋኛ ገንዳ
የአትክልት ቦታ
የአካል ብቃት ማእከል
የአየር ማቀዝቀዣ
የክፍል ማሞቂያ
ልብስ ማጠቢያ ክፍል
የቤት እንስሳት ይፈቀዳል
ስፓ እና ማሳጅ
ሆስፒታል - 8km
ትልቅ ገበያ( ሱፐር ማርከት) - 6km
ትምህርት ቤት - 6km
መዝናኛ - 15km
ፋርማሲ - 7km
አየር ማረፊያ - 15km
የባቡር አግልግሎት - 5km
የአውቶቡስ ማቆሚያ - 2km
ሀይቅ - 18km
የገበያ ማዕከል - 5km
ባንክ - 17km
Hawassa, Ethiopia