500m2 land for sale in Butajira main road

Butajira, ደቡብ ክልል 1,766 እይታዎች ጁን 10, 2023

15 ሚሊዮን Br የሚሸጥ

አጠቃላይ እይታ
ስፋት500 ካሬ
ዋጋ15 ሚሊዮን Br

The property in total is 1260m2 and it is found on the main road of butajira 200m past Rediet hotel. It has a building which consists a bank, shops, cafe and hotel rooms. 500m2 of land at the back of the property is available for sale. It's suitable for residential, business or any purpose the buyer desires.

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